Abdul Rojani
Government Science of Karawang Singaperbangsa
Mekarmulya village is located in the western subdistrict
of telukjambe karawang regency which has a vast expanse of rice fields, over
time the paddy fields are shifted and experienced narrowing the size of the
rice fields, widespread paddock paddies is caused one of them for raw material
red brick making by factory- factories that stand around the rice field area by
digging the area of rice field. The excavations leave a trail unused by the
factory owner. The number of unused excavations is one source of environmental
problems one of which the spread of the disease so as to minimize the impact of
unused land used red brick was then made a place of fish cultivation in the
former red brick excavation.
Keywords: Red Brick, Galian,
cultivation Fish
Along with the development of the era of red brick usage for buildings in
Indonesia is still high so the demand for red brick is increasing due to the
massive physical development that is constantly. If the demand for red bricks
increases, the raw materials used will be more than usual to meet the
production of the red bricks which will result in the abundance of unused land
excavations, unused land causing the impact of environmental damage if not
handled properly. Therefore the former red brick land used as a place of fish
Fish cultivation is usually done in conventional ponds either in pond ponds, or in rivers or reservoirs that still use the old way. In recent years humans have found media other than pond ponds, rivers and reservoirs. The media is a red-bricked red-pit which is commonly used by red brick factory owners who have no economic benefits.
The former red brick is only a place for puddles when the rainy season,
when the rainy season puddles of red brick can lead to the spread of various
diseases one of which dengue fever that spread. Therefore, there is no other
benefit from using red bricks after use.
So the red brick excavation is used by the owner of the
factory to be used as a place of fish maintenance one of catfish. Catfish are
known to survive against various environments, so catfish are well suited to be
cultivated in red brick excavation areas.
The approach used in this study is a qualitative
approach. Conducted by direct observation and in-depth interviews with
informants who have been determined. Then, the data found from the interviews
and observations will be analyzed qualitatively.
In this study the authors use descriptive research method
which is a form of research aimed to describe the phenomena that exist, both
natural phenomena and man-made phenomena. The phenomenon can be a form,
activity, characteristics, changes, relationships, similarities, and
differences between phenomena with one another phenomenon.
Descriptive research seeks to describe and interpret something, such as
existing conditions or relationships, opinions developing, ongoing processes,
effects or effects, or on ongoing trends. The reason of the researcher is
descriptive method of case study because it is a type of approach in research
which is an intensive, in-depth, detailed, and comprehensive study.
To obtain the complete facts in the research Then the authors use several
techniques of data collection are as follows:
1) Library
2) Field study
4) Interview,
5) Collection
of Documents
The use of red brick excavation in mekarmulya village, west telukjambe
district of karawang regency is a new innovation and very beneficial for the
local community. Prior to use as a pond fish ponds, the former red-brick pit
land has no economic benefits because it is only a vacant and useless land.
With the new innovations many mekarmulya villagers use the land to serve as
a fish-raising pond. Cultivated fish vary widely from mujair fish, carp, to
catfish. Most mekarmulya villagers utilize the former land as a pond for
patin.Prospek catfish for the market is quite good, both consumed directly to
the community and restaurant (restaurant) which is supported by the meat taste
typical omega content, and high nutritious, so as a source animal protein is
cheap and easy to obtain, and has a selling price affordable by the bottom of
Catfish is suitable for cultivation because it does not require special
handling in the cultivation, the advantages of the utilization of this red
brick excavation for catfish is very suitable, with an average pond of 2-3
meters so that the fish are harvested weigh more than catfish are cultivated in
an ordinary pond. One pond with an area of 1000 m2 on average with 10,000
seedlings with harvest up to 7 tons.
With high yields the mekarmulya villagers experience social change, especially the people's economy. In the maintenance of catfish in ponds excavation of red brick is very minimal risk. In the mekarmulya village there are 32 people who conduct fish cultivation in red brick excavation, with the average of each cultivator has a cultivated pond area reaches 3000m2. Besides, the red bricks are used by the local community as a general fishing ground which has economic value. There are still a small number of fishing boats that use the former red-dug brick. Maintenance of catfish in one Ha requires:
(size 6 - 8 cm) require as much as approximately 100 Kg
for three months to adjust to the state of growth of fish, bias also remnants of
food from restaurants and restaurants
period for 4 times per year
Utilization of
red brick used land as a fish farming pond is a new innovation and may be
possible to be developed due to the number of red brick manufacturing factories
in the village mekarmulya karawang regency. In the maintenance of catfish
cultivation does not require special treatment so it is suitable with the
condition of the former red brick and can be used as an economical fishing
Sugiyono, Metode
Penelitian Kombinasi (Mixed Methods). Bandung : Alfabeta, 2011.
http://www.bibitikan.net/budidaya-ikan-patin-pada-bekas-galian-bata-merah/ diakses 3 Januari 2018 pukul 17.00 WIB
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